
标题: Brielle-Owl City(图) [打印本页]

作者: joneslik    时间: 2010-10-5 14:58
标题: Brielle-Owl City(图)




There's a handwritten note pressed in the door of her screened in porch
And I am sailing away recalling that day miles from shore
She was still wearing white and robins egg blue, Her grandmother's dress
When I left early this year, how I wound up here is anyone's guess
When the new sites grow old and I start to feel cold I'll sail home again

Goodbye Brielle
Only whispers can tell
Of the sweet dreams that we knew so well
I'll see you around our dear ocean town
The frozen days we set ablaze
Sent me drifting away
Like a butterfly, you floated by and now your alone
I wish I knew when I'll be back again
So until then I wish you well
My dear Brielle

strolling over the sand, cobblestone paths that wind through the trees
Breathing the sweet ocean air makes a shy boy aware that he could be free
When the new sites grow old and I start to feel cold I'll sail home again

Goodbye Brielle
Only whispers can tell
Of the sweet dreams that we knew so well
I'll see you around our dear ocean town
The frozen days we set ablaze
Sent me drifting away
Like a butterfly, you floated by and now your alone
I wish I knew when I'll be back again
So until then I wish you well
So until then I wish you well
For the time being farewell
My dear Brielle


Owl City只是美国大学生Adam Young一个人搞的乐队之前又名Sky Sailing。他深受80年代欧洲电子合成器和新浪潮音乐的影响。 Adam Yound称自己为一个“害羞的孩子”,他从2007年开始从事音乐行业。在签约环球音乐之后,唱片公司通过广播、网络和电视在内的全方位的媒体支持,将他这种带有快乐催眠力量的歌曲渗透到了全美国人们的日常生活中。Owl City音乐中那对于活泼的电子节奏的神奇混音和丰富的旋律 最初是在他父母的地下室中创作出来的。他在《Fireflies》的MV中再现了这一场景,这首MV描绘的是一个和善的歌手在他理想中的地下室环境中表演他的歌曲。这支MV在Youtube上拥有令人惊讶的超过850万的点击量,在VH-1电视台和其他电视机网络平台上有超高的播放量。 从人口仅为22,000的明尼苏达小城走出来的Adam Young,用歌声传达了一种异常简单快乐的情绪,但正是这样的小情绪却牢牢抓住了听众的耳朵和心灵,成为当今纷繁乐坛的一股清新潮流。他管他自己家的地下室叫“山洞”,他在那里制作了专辑中大多数歌曲,包括《Cave in》, 《Umbrella Beach》, 《Dental Care》和登上iTunes榜单的《Vanilla Twilight》。



作者: joneslik    时间: 2010-10-5 15:01
标题: 回复:Brielle-Owl City(图)



作者: 太阳    时间: 2010-10-6 05:16
标题: [:-Q][:-Q][:-Q]


作者: 风过无痕    时间: 2010-10-9 01:46
标题: 回复:Brielle-Owl City(图)[:-Q]

  回复:Brielle-Owl City(图)

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