xyh 发表于 2011-9-23 07:23:08


<br /="/"/><div></div><strong>看新闻:<span style="display:none;">www.ddhw.com</span><br /="/"/><br /="/"/></strong><strong>Particles recorded moving faster than light - CERN</strong><h1></h1><p><span idx="articleText"><span>(Reuters) - An international team of scientists has recorded neutrino particles travelling faster than the speed of light, a spokesman for the researchers said on Thursday -- in what could be a challenge to one of the fundamental rules of physics. </span></span></p>

sb 发表于 2011-9-25 04:23:40

the key words are "If confirmed,...".

<br /="/"/>  the key words are "If confirmed,...".<br /="/"/><br /="/"/><br /="/"/><br /="/"/><br /="/"/><div style="MARGIN-TOP:20px;MARGIN-LEFT:0;MARGIN-BOTTOM:0;float:left"></div>

开开心心 发表于 2011-9-26 01:52:15


<br /="/"/>  等其它科学家用不同设备做出相同结果才问这问题吧! <img /="/" border="0" src="/img/8.gif"></img><br /="/"/><br /="/"/><br /="/"/><br /="/"/><br /="/"/><div style="MARGIN-TOP:20px;MARGIN-LEFT:0;MARGIN-BOTTOM:0;float:left"></div>
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