bluemei 发表于 2013-5-13 15:39:08


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花间留香 发表于 2013-5-13 16:34:36

坐在沙发上翘着二郎腿,赏花品茶喽~ [:-*][:-Q][>:D<]

<html><head></head><body><br />  坐在沙发上翘着二郎腿,赏花品茶喽~ <img border="0" src="/img/19.gif" /> <img border="0" src="/img/23.gif" /> <img border="0" src="/img/17.gif" /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><div style="MARGIN-TOP:20px;MARGIN-LEFT:0;MARGIN-BOTTOM:0;float:left"></div></body></html>

三不猴组合 发表于 2013-5-13 16:39:37


<html><head></head><body><table cellpadding="8" height="100%" width="100%"><tr><td valign="top"><br /><div></div><br /><br /><input src="" style="CURSOR: default" type="image" /><br /><br /><br /><br /><input src="" style="CURSOR: default" type="image" /><br /><br /><br /><br /><input src="" style="CURSOR: default" type="image" /><br /><br /><br /><br /> <div style="MARGIN-TOP:20px;MARGIN-LEFT:5px;MARGIN-BOTTOM:10px"><br /><img src="/img/sign.gif" />---<div style="width:450px;MARGIN-LEFT:10px"><div></div><br /><br /><input height="337" src="" style="CURSOR: default" type="image" width="479" /><br /><br /></div></div></td></tr></table></body></html>

白酒 发表于 2013-5-13 17:47:01

好看又好吃.[:-Q] 蓝MM母亲节快乐[@};-].(图)

<html><head></head><body><table cellpadding="8" height="100%" width="100%"><tr><td valign="top"><br /><div>有品味, 好拍摄!</div><div><input alt="康乃馨1" height="725" src="" style="CURSOR:default" type="image" width="800" /></div><div><input alt="母亲节5" height="508" src="" style="CURSOR:default" type="image" width="774" /></div><br /><br /> <div style="MARGIN-TOP:20px;MARGIN-LEFT:0;MARGIN-BOTTOM:0;float:left"></div></td></tr></table></body></html>

三公子 发表于 2013-5-13 20:09:10


<html><head></head><body><table cellpadding="8" height="100%" width="100%"><tr><td valign="top"><br />看着就酥<div></div><div><input src="" style="CURSOR: default" type="image" /></div><br /><br /> <div style="MARGIN-TOP:20px;MARGIN-LEFT:5px;MARGIN-BOTTOM:10px"><br /><img src="/img/sign.gif" />---<div style="width:450px;MARGIN-LEFT:10px"><div></div><input src="" style="CURSOR: default" type="image" /><div> </div><div></div></div></div></td></tr></table></body></html>

大清太平 发表于 2013-5-13 23:27:48


<html><head></head><body><table cellpadding="8" height="100%" width="100%"><tr><td valign="top"><br />省去两字。不说了,不说了<img src="/img/20.gif" /><div></div><div>如今的母亲还是很潇洒的,自己的节日,自己犒劳自己。但。。。</div><div>俺觉得,如果让您自己买花的花,康乃馨不一定是第一选择哦 <img src="/img/2.gif" /><img src="/img/20.gif" /></div><div>不管怎么说,好花共赏之,也是快事一件。这就赏花。。。</div><br /><br /><input src="" style="CURSOR: default" type="image" /><br />有人很稀饭这样的颜色呢,因为想起从前的一张摄影师的照片 <img src="/img/20.gif" /><div><br /></div><div><br /></div><input src="" style="CURSOR: default" type="image" /><br /><br />最稀饭这上下2张,尤其下面这张,真漂亮啊。一张好看的pp总会有个亮点,然后一些点缀。<div>点点小白花和墙面的黄色,真是不可或缺的点缀。<img src="/img/23.gif" /><img src="/img/23.gif" /><br /><br /><input src="" style="CURSOR: default" type="image" /><br /><br /></div><div>接下来是口水时间 <img src="/img/20.gif" /></div><br /><br />初看是油条,细看不是的。白白一层霜,其实没过油。好吃 <img src="/img/20.gif" /><br /><input src="" style="CURSOR: default" type="image" /><br /><br /><div><br /></div>蓝M对拍食物也很有心得<img src="/img/23.gif" /><br /><br /><input src="" style="CURSOR: default" type="image" /><br /><br /><br /><br /> <div style="MARGIN-TOP:20px;MARGIN-LEFT:5px;MARGIN-BOTTOM:10px"><br /><img src="/img/sign.gif" />---<div style="width:450px;MARGIN-LEFT:10px"><div></div><br /><input src="" style="CURSOR: default" type="image" width="150" /><br /><br /></div></div></td></tr></table></body></html>

大清太平 发表于 2013-5-14 00:02:23


<html><head></head><body><table cellpadding="8" height="100%" width="100%"><tr><td valign="top"><br /><div></div><center style="text-align: left;line-height: 25px; ">节日快乐!<img src="/img/18.gif" /></center><center style="text-align: left;line-height: 25px; "><br /></center><center style="line-height: 25px; ">Spoonful</center><center style="line-height: 25px; "><embed border="0" flashvars="&config=;&x#10;" height="100px" menu="true" pluginspage="" quality="high" src="" style="width: 1024px; height: 100px; " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="1024px" wmode="transparent" /><div style="color: rgb(17, 119, 34); "></div></center><br /><div><span idx="line_1" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px 5px; border: 0px; font: inherit; vertical-align: baseline; display: block; font-family: arial, sans-serif; line-height: 15px; text-align: left; "><br /></span></div><pre>Ohhh, now it could be a spoonful of diamonds
It could be a spoonful of gold
But just a little spoon of your precious love
Will satisfy my soul

Women die for that spoonful
Yeah, and men cry for that spoonful
Yeah, women lie for that spoonful
Yeah, and men fight for that spoonful
Yeah-yeah, well, yeah-yeah
That spoon, spoon, spoonful


It could be a spoonful of coffe
It could be a spoonful of tea
Not a knife, not a fork, but a spoon, baby
Is good enough for me

Men lie for that spoonful
Yeah, women die for that spoonful
You know they sigh for that spoonful
Yeah, now they cry for that spoonful
Yeah-yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah
That spoon, spoon, spoonful


Ohhh, now it could be a spoonful of diamonds
It could be a spoonful of gold
But just a little spoon of your precious love
Will satisfy my soul

Yeah, now it could be a spoonful of coffe, coffee, coffee
It could be a spoonful of tea
And just a little spoon of your precious love
Is good enough for me

Now, men will fight for that spoonful
Yeah, yeah, yeah, they die for that spoonful
Yeah, yeah, they sigh for that spoonful
Yeah, now they fight for that spoonful
Yeah-yeah, yeah, yeah
That spoon, spoon, spoonful
</pre><br /><br /><br /> <div style="MARGIN-TOP:20px;MARGIN-LEFT:5px;MARGIN-BOTTOM:10px"><br /><img src="/img/sign.gif" />---<div style="width:450px;MARGIN-LEFT:10px"><div></div><br /><input src="" style="CURSOR: default" type="image" width="150" /><br /><br /></div></div></td></tr></table></body></html>

veil 发表于 2013-5-14 07:44:27


<html><head></head><body><table cellpadding="8" height="100%" width="100%"><tr><td valign="top"><br /><div></div><br />可人的花儿,温馨美丽不张扬<img src="/img/23.gif" /><br /><input src="" style="CURSOR: default" type="image" /><br /><br /><div>蓝MM自己做的吗?很专业<img src="/img/23.gif" style="line-height: 17pt;" /> (照片也很专业<img src="/img/23.gif" style="line-height: 17pt;" />)</div><br /><br /><input src="" style="CURSOR: default" type="image" /><br /><br /><br /><br /> <div style="MARGIN-TOP:20px;MARGIN-LEFT:5px;MARGIN-BOTTOM:10px"><br /><img src="/img/sign.gif" />---<div style="width:450px;MARGIN-LEFT:10px"><div></div><input src="" style="CURSOR: default" type="image" width="200" /><div> </div><div>拜晴MM所赐, 帅<img src="" /></div></div></div></td></tr></table></body></html>

salmonfish 发表于 2013-5-15 03:30:30


<html><head></head><body><br />  品茶观花---小资,雅趣! <img border="0" src="/img/20.gif" /> <img border="0" src="/img/23.gif" /> <img border="0" src="/img/18.gif" /> <img border="0" src="/img/18.gif" /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><div style="MARGIN-TOP:20px;MARGIN-LEFT:0;MARGIN-BOTTOM:0;float:left"></div></body></html>
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查看完整版本: 母亲节的花----自己买的[:))](图)